Kelly Lake Lakers

History of the Lakers, as told by former Laker Johnny M: Kelly Lake is a mining town in northern Minnesota. We associate with Hibbing, Minnesota. We are a small town of 900 people but had our own school and post offiçe back then. Our hockey team was a youth league of kids from squirts to Bantams and then we played for Hibbing High School after that. We had Saturday house leagues playing against each other from the locations of were we lived. Some small towns like Kelly Lake, Kitzville, Jefferson, Greenhaven, Cobb Cook, Brooklyn, Wells Woodland and we would play against each other but then group our teams and play against other range teams. We didn't play against the Taconite Hornets but Greenway of Coleraine was a huge rival along with Grand Rapids, Eveleth, Virginia, International Falls, Gilbert,Babbitt, Chisholm, and others.