VIH's Back to School Fundraiser 2020
Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash
Our parents were teachers, who spent their lives trying to better the country one class at a time. Growing up, bring your child to work day meant hanging out at different school than usual and seeing their efforts first hand in the classroom. We also have friends and family members who are teachers and have seen their commitment to their students by buying supplies or materials for their students out of their own pockets.
It's back to school time again and, well, this year it's tougher than usual with the virus still impacting back to school plans around the country. We've seen lots of unusual plans and in many cases, increased costs. For example, one of our friends was looking to buy pencil cases for every single student, as the kids aren't allowed to share the pencils as they usually would - a significant increase in costs when you consider they alone teach nearly 400 students throughout the day. After hearing her story, we kicked in money to get those supplies.
We've been very thankful for the support we've received since we launched almost exactly a year ago. As a t-shirt shop it feels like there isn't always a lot we contribute to the world other than clothing and memories of old hockey teams.
Well, we figured one thing we can do is fulfill teacher and student wishlists to make back to school a little better. At, teachers post projects that need funding for supplies and projects for their classes.
From 12am eastern Wednesday, September 2nd through midnight on Tuesday, September 8th, we will be donating money to fulfill requests on Donors Choose using 20% of our total sales during that period. That means if you spend $30 with us, $6 will go directly back to a teacher or student in need. As an added incentive, if you shop using code SCHOOL10, you will save 10% on your order and we will donate 35% of your total sale to Donors Choose (for example, you buy a $30 t-shirt and use the code so you pay only $27, then we donate $9.45).
We hope that this is a way we can give back to the world, as education is something that is extremely important to us. Throughout the week, we will post the projects that we are helping fulfill on this page. Thank you for your support!
Of course, you are always welcome to skip the middle man and donate directly on
(It probably goes without saying but to be clear we are not partnering with Donors Choose and are simply choosing to direct money to a charitable cause out of our own volition).
Projects we've funded so far: